What Will Happen if You Eat 2 Bananas a Day

You’ll Make a Big Dent in Your RDA for Potassium

Many of us don’t realize how important potassium is to the body because we don’t know exactly what it does. Potassium is actually one of the most critical nutrients because it is used by every cell in the body to generate the electrical charge needed to function properly. Potassium also plays a role in keeping the heart rate steady, maintaining a healthy blood pressure, and triggering the release of insulin when needed to regulate blood sugar.

The RDA for potassium in healthy adults is between 3,500-4,700mg per day. Certain other factors such as lifestyle can affect the recommended amount, so speak to your doctor if you’re concerned that you’re not getting enough. But two average bananas contain approximately 900 mg of potassium, so that’s a nice start. Other good sources of potassium include white beans, potatoes (white and sweet), beets, spinach, watermelon, and tomato sauce.

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